Monday, 27 February 2017

Module 3 Update

After deferring Module 3 due to a very busy schedule; I am beginning my studies and feeling very overwhelmed at the work load ahead as always!. This time however I am excited to get stuck in and give my all to module 3. I decided it would be beneficial to refresh my mind after a long period of time and read my module 2 proposal and feedback along with module 3 and reader 7. I made notes and re-read aspects to gain clarity on what stage I was currently at with my inquiry and the steps I needed to take in order to complete all elements of my inquiry before the submission date. Time management will be crucial in the process. As stated in Module 3 handbook, 'many of the elements of the professional inquiry require activities to be carried out parallel'.  Devising a detailed action plan helped me to envision all aspects of my inquiry process and organise the steps I need to take to ensure I achieve my goals in the time frame given.

The following image from Kent Universities website motivated me to begin creating an achievable plan. 

I used the sample framework provided in this link
.. I particularly found rewarding myself and reviewing progress beneficial. Rewards are providing motivation for me to complete tasks stated on my plan and reviewing my progress regular helps me to analyse what obstacles I am facing in terms of  my plan and how i can overcome these. An example of this would be how I occasionally feel very enthusiastic and energetic about the day ahead and plan to many activities or underestimate the time scale of a particular task. Breaking my plan down into small tasks makes goals appear achievable and therefore helps me reduce procrastination.

Creating a plan allowed me to envision the stage I was currently it with my inquiry and made writing my BAPP update for Paula a much simpler task.

Module 3 Update

Having re-read my professional inquiry proposal submitted for Module 2 and the feedback provided; I intend to pursue the following research questions.

  • Do actors approach developing character differently depending on whether the role is part of a Musical or Dramatic play on stage or screen?
  • Can a background in Musical Theatre inform working as an actor/actress in dramas on stage and screen?

I originally planned on researching the following also:

·         What are the similarities and differences in terms of rehearsal process, stage craft and performance between Musical theatre and dramatic acting on stage and screen?
 Following a discussion with a peer, I concluded that this question was ambiguous and could potentially be explored within the previous two research questions presented, however I will continue to discuss this question within my SIG.

·         What are people’s perceptions of Musical Theatre?
The feedback I received for this question was as follows ‘Yes they are, If so how?
I struggled to make sense of the feedback and would benefit greatly from a further discussion regarding this in a tutorial. I will also explore the question further with my peers. It is a question I am extremely intrigued to investigate, however, peoples opinions cannot be changed therefore has left me debating the relevance of this question to my inquiry.

I am aware that the ethics board has approved the research I will be conducting for my practitioner inquiry. I am aware of the consent forms I need to provide to participants.
I also prepared an email thanking all interviewees for their participation. I sent a draft of my email to Paula and established important information I had not included in regards to ethical issues.
  I then re-drafted my email including information about data protection, explanation of methods used to record data, anonymity and time scales/interview lengths.
Following the feedback I re-read the ethics section of my professional inquiry plan and also revised reader 5/6 to ensure all potential ethical issues had been covered.

Carrying out my research
Two of my interviews will be carried out week commencing 27th Feb 2017; therefore it was essential for me to prioritize this particular aspect of my inquiry whilst working parallel to source literature for me review. As mentioned, I have carefully considered ethics in relation to my interviews whilst also ensuring I am fully prepared and have a range of relevant questions to present to participants. I have critically analysed these questions to guarantee they are unbiased and non leading. I would appreciate feedback on my questions from a peer or tutor if possible.
Currently I have 7 valuable sources of literature, including those mentioned in Module 2 of which I have already began critically reading and analysing. Creating a colour coded note system has assisted me in categorizing crucial information.
‘Community of practice’ and ‘Networking’ are reoccurring themes in my investigation through discussions. I will be studying Wenger’s theory in relation to this in aid of my inquiry. I will continue sourcing literature using the following questions from ‘reader 7’ to determine the significance of the text.

·         Who is the author/authors/Publisher of the text?
·         When was the text written?
·         Where was the text written/produced?
·         Who is the intended audience for the text?
·         What are the authors/publishers intentions in relation to the reader?
·         What is the writer’s own position in relation to the subject being written about?
·         What assumptions are the authors/publishers making and how does this invite the reader to share them.
·         What is the style of the writing of the text, and how does this affect the reading of this text?

In terms of the artefact my initial thoughts are to create an informative guide on ‘The transition from Musical theatre to specialising in dramatic acting on stage and screen. I will include skills which could be transferable and advise on transitioning both on and off stage.

I plan on focusing my attention this week on interacting with others on Module 3. As I deferred, I am unfamiliar with research topics other module 3 students have chosen. I will be joining SIG’s posting blogs and joining social networking groups in order to establish connections and discover how my self and my peers can assist in developing each others research. 

Critical Reflection On Professional Practitioner Inquiry

Critical Reflection on professional Practitioner Inquiry

Module 2 has given me the opportunity for professional growth by enabling me to further investigate my practice through the process of inquiry. Tasks 4, 5 and 6 where challenging yet extremely helpful in preparing me for the planning of this process.

Lines of Inquiry
Developing inquiry questions was the toughest obstacle I faced throughout the module; this was due to the variation in my career at present and the uncertainty of where it was heading. Too overcome this issue, I took advantage of underpinning knowledge gained in module one and discussed potential ideas and questions via my Google community, blog comments, SIG and Skype sessions. (Appendix 1). Establishing my skills and competences also aided me in choosing my inquiry topic. (appendix 2 ) Upon deciding on a topic I focused on literature which expanded my knowledge on my current practice and areas of study (appendix 3)

Reader 5 brought too my attention how little I actively consider ethics within my practice. Upon reading professional documents
Such as job contracts, I realised I held this information tacitly (appendix). Researching ethics encouraged me too consider how our professional ethics occasionally conflict with personal ethics.
‘Ethics isn’t always a case of black and white; there are grey areas’ (Reader 5, page 7 Middlesex University) (appendix 4)  I used my new found knowledge from the reader to complete my ethics release form.
 I found it difficult too discuss ethics in relation too my inquiry topic as the majority of other students undergoing the module are focusing on teaching and had lots in common in terms of both their professional practice and inquiry.

Bell (2002) states ‘Understanding the major advantages and disadvantages of each approach is likely to help you to select the most appropriate method’
I used this quote too assist me in deciding on methods of which I deemed most appropriate for my inquiry. (appendix 5)  as certain interview would be the best method as the data I am relying upon is ‘qualitative’ I conducted a pilot interview too confirm this whilst taking into considerations ethical requirements, style of interview and interview context (appendix). I struggled too decide on a second data collection tool. I discussed this issue with a colleague and decided the use of my journal would be crucial. Observations would also provide me with qualitative data however I will review this tool further and make an informed decision of whether this would be possible in terms of scheduling and ethical considerations (appendix).The pilot experience provided me with the skills and knowledge to execute my personal inquiry with confidence in Module 3.

Module 2 has been difficult yet has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and curiosity in relation to me professional practice. Applying time management skills studied in module 1 enabled me too keep on track with my inquiry plan.  I do believe I would have benefitted further through more communication within my SIG in the initial stages; however due to my professional schedule, found this difficult I completed tasks in my journal rather than on my blog and relied on cast members and other colleagues too support the development of my inquiry.  I am positive I have a strong basis for my inquiry and look forward to progressing further.