Thursday, 8 October 2015

Task 4A

Getting started on Module 2 has proved challenging. I have an extremely busy term ahead and already feeling overwhelmed with the work load. As I discussed in module 1, time management was an aspect of my professional practice of which I needed to improve in order for me too be successful and therefore, I delved straight in too Task 4A despite feeling confused.

At this early stage my ideas are still varied and unspecific. I plan too speak too Paula and use other professional networks to help me progress with my inquiry and clarify my thoughts.

My original 'potential line of inquiry' was educational based and was related too my job at a local stage school were I taught  performing arts to children aged between 3 sand 11 . unfortunately due too unforeseen circumstances i am no longer teaching; however it is still a topic I am enthusiastic about and will consider developing.

Since leaving my teaching job and Reflecting throughout module 1. It became apparent that i was not yet ready too give up performing  and  Pursue a full time teaching career at present. I am still very passionate about performing and feel there is a great amount I wish too experience before I move on. This decision led me to question what it was I wanted to achieve and how I planned on achieving it.

Although my training at The Hammond School of Dance was Dance/Musical Theatre based, I found a great love for acting and studied LAMDA in my spare time. Since graduating I have gained numerous acting roles in both Musical Theatre and Pantomime however I would love too progress onto acting for screen or be cast in a straight play.

  • Is Musical Theatre taken seriously in the acting world?
  • In terms of acting, is it beneficial too be trained as a triple threat or a hindrance? 
  • What are the key skills needed too transfer from acting in Musicals too acting in straight plays and for screen.
  • Are any of the skills learnt in Musical Theatre transferable?
  • What steps can a performer take too progress onto a new medium in the arts world?
  • What are the differences and similarities between Musical Theatre and acting?
  • What are peoples perception of Musical Theatre?

I will look forward too hearing your thoughts on these topics.


  1. Hi Laura,

    I found your post very interesting reading and I really admire your honest here. I was speaking to Paula last week during a tutorial about changes in employment and situation sometimes having a positive outcome - this certainly sounds like the case with your circumstances. I found the specificity of your questions relating to each field you pursued (performing and teaching) really intriguing too.

    I think your question 'In terms of acting, is it beneficial too be trained as a triple threat or a hindrance?' really interesting. I would never have considered being trained in all three disciplines a hinderance. How do you feel on this subject personally? Would this have an impact on your inquiry? I would be interested in how you would find research for this and what form your inquiry would take.

    Although you are not currently teaching, would you like to join my SIG 'Performing Arts and Literacy in Education'? I would find your views on some of my questions useful.

    I hope this has been helpful.


    1. Hi Jess

      Thank you for your comment. Your questions really opened my eyes too the fact that I had not thought through my pilot questions at all. When posting this blog I was very confused and felt pressured and panicked into thinking of lines of inquiry fast. I feel as though many of you on the BAPP course have a very clear and specific idea of which you wish too pursue in the future and are already well on your way too achieving that now. At this stage I am performing, freelance teaching and also work in customer service too help me along the way. I considered my questions in this blog too be very unspecific however after thinking about your comments and speaking too Paula I think they may be too specific. I went back too basics and asked myself simple questions.
      What will I still be interested in in three to six months time?
      What topics and inquiries will help me in the long run?
      Why did I originally embark on BAPP?
      This led me too consider the transition process from experienced performer too teacher.
      I plan too blog about this process later on today.
      Originally i was afraid to post my first blog in fear of being wrong! but then I bit the bullet and went ahead and posted it. I then reflected on the blog and asked myself the above questions. Would you consider this as a transformation from mode 1 too mode 2 knowledge? I am still getting my head around this theory and also theories of double and single loop learning. I would be very appreciative for any insight you have on these theories relating too our topics of education.

      I would love too join your SIG group, I studied English A level and literacy is something I am fond of. I think Literacy and performing arts sit hand in hand. Literacy is the ability too read and write. Reading inspires creativity and use of imagination (both essential skills in the arts). Do you have any ideas on how you would incorporate the two into lessons? Do you consider this interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary? I am having trouble differentiating between the two.

  2. Hi Laura,

    I also felt that in order to start my journey on Module 2 I needed to post my questions as soon as possible. I then took a step back and conducted further research into inquiry research and found some of my question were either unclear or unsuitable for different reasons. I actually think that the uncertainty and change in our own thoughts is very much part of the process - so you are definitely not alone in feeling this way.

    At the moment, I don't have a very clear idea of where I want my inquiry to go (again you are not alone in this!) I am finding that the most useful thing is to discuss my possible questions and ideas with fellow BAPP students and my colleagues.

    I agree that is sometimes feels as though you might be 'wrong'. Yet I found through Module 1 that there is no right and wrong; it is a journey. In the last module, I felt pressure to arrive at the right conclusion, yet in fact the changing of ideas and beliefs is really important to the learning process. I feel that many of the themes, ideas and reading I studied in Module 1 returns in Modules 2 (like the idea of Communities of Practice in setting up a SIG), but I feel like I am building upon these skills and challenging myself more this module by regularly posting changes in how I think or literature that has altered my previous preconceptions.

    Thanks for joining the SIG. It will be good to discuss some of your views on this. I believe the idea of using dance to improve literacy is very much transdisciplinary. Which do you think it is?

    In my academy every lesson has a literacy objective, but I think there would be many contributing factors to improving literacy through dance not purely through timetabled lessons themselves. For example, it may actually be the a positive professional relationship or role model established in a dance lesson or extra curricular activity could then be utilised to improve literacy through one-to-one lessons or extra curricular club designed specifically to combine dance skills with literacy.

    I hope this has answered some of your question.

