Friday, 4 March 2016

Emerging Inquiry Questions

How Do Actors Create and develop Characters?

 How do Actors Bring the Dialogue in scripts to life?

Which is more successful 'Method' or 'Technique' approach? What are the similarities and differences?

Is there a relationship between the actor and character? 

Do personal experiences and emotions effect how we shape a character?

Is empathy an important part of acting?

Does acting differ depending on the discipline?


  1. Thanks Laura - I think you have a good direction - great for looking at literature and looking to expand your professional knowledge and skill set. The overarching inquiry questions will probably still focus a bit - but you have practical and also notional area to study here.

  2. Hi Laura,
    In response to our hangout conversation, here are some insights I can share coming from a 'straight' acting background with screen acting experience...

    I terms of methods or working through a script, I am very systematic and use my own version of Stanislavski's questions - asking Who, What, When, Where, How etc. to shape the 'world' of the character and scene I am in.
    Then I look for objectives, the timeframe the play/film is set in etc. to fill any gaps in my knowledge on the particular social and historical circumstances.
    What also is very helpful and goes more towards Meisner's idea of imagination is creating 'memories' on special moments for the character (which might not be directly suggested in the script but just 'feel' like they suit the character).
    For the actual performance, I aim to respond naturally to both my personal condition on the day (the actor's body) and the circumstances of the scene on that day in that moment (depending on the co-actor of course).
    I don't particularly believe in memory recall or mixing the character's journey with my own memories. Of course you always draw comparisons to your own life but when I act I aim to just 'be' the character, not mix it with personal thoughts that might pull my focus out of the immediate scene. Whenever I am stuck I always go back to the script and look for more clues.
    I do feel acting for screen and for stage differs very much. Personally, the stage training in the UK is such an integral part of an actor's training whereas I grew up in a small town in Germany, where I was exposed more to screen acting. Hence I sometimes feel my upbringing has influenced my acting 'instincts' and despite my UK stage-heavy acting training I still favour screenwork slightly at the moment.

    I hope these comments provide some input for the development of your inquiry.


  3. Hi Laura,

    These inquiry questions are very interesting and fascinate me as I studied a combination of acting methods within my training.

    I think that 'Which is more successful 'Method' or 'Technique' approach? What are the similarities and differences?', is a brilliant Inquiry Question to explore. Throughout my first professional performing contract out of college our leading man used a slightly mild version of 'method' acting throughout the process which was fascinating.

    Another aspects you could explore within that question could be the after affects of 'method' acting, as I know allot of performers and actors do struggle to separate their own lives with their current character's life.

    I hope my comment will help you within your selection of an inquiry question!

    Beth x

    1. Thank you for your comment Beth upon developing my questions I decided to focus on the transition from Musical Theatre actress too acting in straight plays and screen. I hope too explore how one medium informs the other and whether there are any differences. I will also look into the technical aspects that differ between acting in the two genres and also the stigma around pigeon holing musical theatre performers. do you have any thoughts on this as I am aware you ard musical theatre trained?

      Thanks Laura x

  4. Hi Lara thank you for your comment, this was really helpful. Out of interest have you done any musical theatre work ? X

    1. Hi Laura, yes, I've done one small scale Fringe musical (outside of London), but my primary experience is in straight acting.


  5. Also Beth ,,, if you don't mind me asking was your first professional contract Musical Theatre? If so, I would really like too ask you some questions regarding it if that's ok? Perhaps over email?

    Thanks again Laura x
